WebGrid Client-Side Events (CSOM) 도움말이다.
개발할때 계속찾기 힘들어서 퍼왔다.
버튼의 경우 이렇게 클라이언트 이벤트를 걸어주면된다.
this.igGrid_GSudangReg_Btn_1.DisplayLayout.ClientSideEvents.ClickCellButtonHandler = "ig_GridBtnPress";
The client side events object. Holds information about handled events and handler names.
Events Properties
AfterCellUpdate |
Fired once the value of the cell has be set. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. cellIdString. The id of the cell which was updated. |
AfterClipboardOperation |
Fired after a successful clipboard operation is performed. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. operationTypeNumber. Indicates what operation was performed. 0 - copy, 1 - cut, 2 - paste. Also available as an enumeration: igtbl_ClipboardOperation.Copy, igtbl_ClipboardOperation.Cut, igtbl_ClipboardOperation.Paste. dataArray. two dimensional array (or one dimensional in the case of single value paste) of affected cells. |
AfterColumnMove |
Fired once the column has completed its move. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. columnIdString. The id of the column which was moved. |
AfterColumnSizeChange |
Fired after the column has been resized. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. columnIdString. The id of the column which was moved. widthNumber. The new width of the column. |
AfterEnterEditMode |
Fired after a cell has begun being edited on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. cellIdString. The id of the cell which was updated. |
AfterExitEditMode |
Fired after the value of a cell has been edited on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. cellIdString. The id of the cell which was updated. |
AfterFilterClosed |
Fired after the FilterDropDown is closed on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The HTML element ID of the grid calling the function. oColumnObject. The column object for which the filter is being dropped. |
AfterFilterDroppedDown |
Fired after the FilterDropDown is opened on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The HTML element ID of the grid calling the function. oColumnObject. The column object for which the filter is being dropped. |
AfterFilterPopulated |
Fired after the Filter list is generated. The WorkingList property is the list of values that will be used in the filter box. Parameters gridName
String. The HTML element ID of the grid calling the function. oColumnObject. The column object for which the filter is being dropped. workingListObject. The workingList that will be shown in the drop-down. |
AfterRowActivate |
Fired after a row is activated on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. rowIdString. The id of the row that was collapsed. |
AfterRowCollapsed |
Fired after a row is collapsed on the client Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. rowIdString. The id of the row which was activated. |
AfterRowDeleted |
Fired after a row is deleted on the client Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. rowIdString. The id of the row which was deleted. |
AfterRowExpanded |
Fired after a row is expanded on the client Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. rowIdString. The id of the row that is being expanded. |
AfterRowFilterApplied |
Fired after the processing for the filter is done and changes are applied to the WebGrid. Parameters gridName
String. The HTML element ID of the grid calling the function. oColumnObject. The column object for which the filter is being applied. |
AfterRowInsert |
Fired after a row is inserted on the client. Also fired during add new row procedure. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. rowIdString. The id of the row that is being inserted. indexNumber. The index of the position the row was inserted into. The parameter can be undefined if this is a new row that was added during the add new row procedure. |
AfterRowSizeChange |
Fired after the height of a row has changed on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. rowIdString. The id of the row that is being resized. indexNumber. The new height of the row. |
AfterRowTemplateClose |
Fired after a row edit template is closed on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. rowIdString. The id of the row which was edited. bSaveChangesBoolean. Indicates if the changes of the row were saved from within the template. |
AfterRowTemplateOpen |
Fired after a row edit template is opened on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. rowIdString. The id of the row that is being edited. |
AfterRowUpdate |
Fired after a row has been updated on the client Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. rowIdString. The id of the row that is was updated. |
AfterSelectChange |
Fired after selection has changed on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. idString. The id of the object that was selected. |
AfterSortColumn |
Fired after a column has been sorted on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. columnIdString. The id of the column which was sorted. |
AfterXmlHttpResponseProcessed |
Fired after the XmlHttp response is processed and applied to the WebGrid. The request type of the request can be learned from the grid's ReqType property. The result of the XmlRequest is available off the grid.XmlResponseObject property. Parameters
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. |
BeforeCellChange |
Fired before a row is activated on the client Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. cellIdString. The id of the cell which is being activated. |
BeforeCellUpdate |
Fired before a cell is updated on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. cellIdString. The id of the cell which is being updated. valueObject. The new value of the cell |
BeforeClipboardOperation |
Fired before a clipboard operation is performed. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. operationTypeNumber. Indicates what operation was performed. 0 - copy, 1 - cut, 2 - paste. Also available as an enumeration: igtbl_ClipboardOperation.Copy, igtbl_ClipboardOperation.Cut, igtbl_ClipboardOperation.Paste. optionsObject. Options object for the operation. The properties of the options object should be changed from inside of the event handler if a behavior change is desired. Available options: Copy, Cut: copyFormatted - false by default. If set to true places the cell values into the clipboard with their format (display value instead of data value for columns with a value list); Paste: strictPaste - false by default. If set to true all empty strings in the clipboard are treated as empty string values and pasted into the cells; selectPastedCells - true by default. If set to false no selection is performed for the pasted cells. It is required for the cells to be selected that the row island had its SelectTypeCell option (band's or grid's) set to Extended; ignoreHiddenColumns - false by default. If set to true all hidden columns are treated as non-existent and passed over during the paste operation; ignoreServerOnlyCells - true by default. If set to false all cells that are not present on the client (they belong server only columns or covered by a merged cell) are treated as if they were present and the order of pasted data is kept unchanged. By default the data for these cells is shifted to next available sibling cell and pasted there. |
BeforeColumnMove |
Fired before a column is moved on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. columnIdString. The id of the column being moved. |
BeforeColumnSizeChange |
Fired before the width of a column is changed on the client Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. columnIdString. The id of the column being resized. widthNumber. The new width of the column. |
BeforeEnterEditMode |
Fired before a cell is edited on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. cellIdString. The id of the cell being edited. |
BeforeExitEditMode |
Fired before a cell is edited on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. cellIdString. The id of the cell which being edited. newValueObject. The value that is going to be assigned to the cell when the Cell exits edit mode |
BeforeFilterClosed |
Fired before the filter drop down is closed. If canceled the filter drop down will not close. Parameters gridName
String. The HTML element ID of the grid calling the function. oColumnObject. The column object for which the filter is being closed. |
BeforeFilterDroppedDown |
Fired before the filter drop down is opened. If canceled the filter drop down will not open. Parameters gridName
String. The HTML element ID of the grid calling the function. oColumnObject. The column object for which the filter is being opened. |
BeforeFilterPopulated |
Fired before the filter list is populated. If canceled the value in the current working list is used for the filter. Otherwise the filtering mechanism will attempt to fill itself with data available to it. Parameters gridName
String. The HTML element ID of the grid calling the function. oColumnFilterObject. The filter panel object that is being populated. oColumnObject. The column object for which the filter is being applied. workingFilterListObject. The collection that will be used as the filter for the column. This is initially populated with the server default values. After this event runs, the list will be appended by the unique values from the cells in this column. lastKnownFilterListObject. The last filter collection that was generated for this column. Initially null, this object will be populated on subsequent drops of the drop-down. This can be used to prevent the WebGrid from having to access each cell again rebuilding a list if no changes were done on the WebGrid. |
BeforeRowActivate |
Fired before a row is activated on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. rowIdString. The id of the row that is being activated. |
BeforeRowCollapsed |
Fired before a row is collapsed on the client Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. rowIdString. The id of the row that is being collapsed. |
BeforeRowDeactivate |
Fired before a row is deactivated on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. rowIdString. The id of the row that is being deactivated. |
BeforeRowDeleted |
Fired before a row is deleted on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. rowIdString. The id of the row that is being deleted. |
BeforeRowExpanded |
Fired before a row is expanded on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. rowIdString. The id of the row being expanded. |
BeforeRowFilterApplied |
Fired before applying the Filter to the WebGrid. If canceled, filtering is stopped. Parameters gridName
String. The HTML element ID of the grid calling the function. oColumnObject. The column object for which the filter is being applied. |
BeforeRowInsert |
Fired before a row is inserted on the client. Also fired during add new row procedure. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. parentRowIdString. The id of the parent row into which child rows collection a new row is being inserted. rowIdString. The id of the row being inserted. The parameter can be undefined if this is a new row that was added during the add new row procedure. indexNumber. The index of the position the row is being inserted into. The parameter can be undefined if this is a new row that was added during the add new row procedure. |
BeforeRowSizeChange |
Fired before the height of a row is changed on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. rowIdString. The id of the row that is being resized. heightNumber. The new height of the row. |
BeforeRowTemplateClose |
Fired before a row edit template is closed on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. rowIdString. The id of the row that is being edited. bSaveChangesBoolean. Indicates if the changes of the row are going to be saved from within the template. |
BeforeRowTemplateOpen |
Fired before a row edit template is opened on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. rowIdString. The id of the row being edited. templateIdString. The HTML element ID of the row template on the page. Also can be obtained from the band object's RowTemplate property. |
BeforeRowUpdate |
Fired before a row has been updated on the client Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. rowIdString. The id of the row that is being updated. |
BeforeSelectChange |
Fixed before selection has changed on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. idString. The id of the element that is being selected. |
BeforeSortColumn |
Fired before a column has been sorted on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. columnIdString. The id of the column that is being sorted. |
BeforeXmlHttpRequest |
Fired before the XmlHttp response is sent back to the server. The event can be canceled by returning true from the handler. The request type can be learned from the grid's ReqType property. Parameters
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. |
CellChange |
Fired when the active cell is changed on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. cellIdString. The id of the cell that was activated. |
CellClick |
Fired when the mouse's button is clicked over a cell of the grid on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. cellIdString. The id of the cell that was clicked. buttonNumber. The number that represents the pressed mouse button. 0 - left, 1 - middle, 2 - right. |
ClickCellButton |
Fired when a cell's button is clicked on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. cellIdString. The id of the cell whose button was clicked. |
ClipboardError |
Fired if an error occurred during a clipboard operation. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. errorNumberNumber. Error code. Available codes: -1 - failure, 1 - not supported, 2 - no active object, 3 - nothing to paste, 4 - nothing to copy. Also available as an enumeration: igtbl_ClipboardError.Failure, igtbl_ClipboardError.NotSupported, igtbl_ClipboardError.NoActiveObject, igtbl_ClipboardError.NothingToPaste, igtbl_ClipboardError.NothingToCopy. messageString. If an exception is thrown during an operation its message is passed through this parameter. |
ColumnDrag |
Fired when a column is being dragged on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. columnIdString. The id of the column that the cursor was dragged. insertBeforeColumnIdString. The id of the column that the was dropped in front of. |
ColumnHeaderClick |
Fired when the mouse is clicked over a column header of the grid on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. columnIdString. The id of the column that the cursor was over when the click was fired. buttonNumber. The number that represents the pressed mouse button. 0 - left, 1 - middle, 2 - right. |
DblClick |
Fired when a cell is double-clicked on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. cellIdString. The id of the cell that was double-clicked. |
EditKeyDown |
Fired when a key is pressed during edit mode on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. cellIdString. The id of the cell which is currently being edited. keyNumber. The key code of the key that was released. |
EditKeyUp |
Fired when a key is released during edit mode on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. cellIdString. The id of the cell which is currently being edited. keyNumber. The key code of the key that was released. |
GridCornerImageClick |
Fired when the corner image of the grid is clicked. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. |
InitializeLayout |
Fired when the internal document object model is being initialized on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. |
InitializeRow |
Fired when a row is being initialized on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. rowIdString. The id of the row that is being initialized. |
KeyDown |
Fired when a key is pressed when the grid is active on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. cellIdString. The id of the cell which is currently active. keyNumber. The key code of the key that was released. |
KeyUp |
Fired when a key is released when the grid is active on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. cellIdString. The id of the cell which is currently active. keyNumber. The key code of the key that was released. |
MouseDown |
Fired when the left mouse button is pressed over the grid on the client Parameters gridName
String. The ID of the grid calling the function. idString. The ID of the element the cursor was over when clicked. buttonNumber. The number that represents the pressed mouse button. 0 - left, 1 - middle, 2 - right. |
MouseOut |
Fired when the cursor leaves an item of the grid on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The ID of the grid calling the function. idString. The ID of the element the cursor left. objectTypeNumber. The type of item the cursor left. Values are: 0 - Cell; 1 - Column Header. |
MouseOver |
Fired when the cursor enters an item of the grid on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The ID of the grid calling the function. idString. The ID of the element the cursor entered. objectTypeNumber. The type of item the cursor left. Values are: 0 - Cell; 1 - Column Header. |
MouseUp |
Fired when the left mouse button is released over the grid on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The ID of the grid calling the function. idString. The ID of the element the cursor was over when clicked. buttonNumber. The number that represents the pressed mouse button. 0 - left, 1 - middle, 2 - right. |
RowSelectorClick |
Fired when the mouse is clicked over a row selector of the grid on the client Parameters gridName
String. The ID of the grid calling the function. rowIdString. The ID of the row the cursor was over when clicked. buttonNumber. The number that represents the pressed mouse button. 0 - left, 1 - middle, 2 - right. |
TemplateUpdateCells |
Fired when the edit template is about to be closed on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The ID of the grid calling the function. controlIdString. The ID of the control. cellIdString. The ID of the cell which is being edited. |
TemplateUpdateControls |
Fired when the edit template is shown on the client. The event is called for each control in the template that has the columnKey attribute set. To initialize those controls values properly a developer has to handle the event. Parameters gridName
String. The ID of the grid calling the function. controlIdString. The ID of the control. cellIdString. The ID of the cell which is being edited. valueDepends on the cell type. The value of the cell which is being edited. |
Type |
String. Type of the client side object. That is "events" for the events object. |
ValueListSelChange |
Fired when the value list selection is changed on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The ID of the grid calling the function. selectIdString. The ID of the SELECT object. cellIdString. The ID of the cell which is being edited. |
XmlHTTPResponse |
Fired after a XmlHTTPResponse has been received on the client. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. rowIdString. The id of the row that was updated. gridResponseObject. A client side XMLHTTPResponse object with the data from the server. It is also available off the grid.XmlResponseObject property. |
XmlVirtualScroll |
Fired during scrolling while the grid is in the virtual Xml scroll mode. The event can be used to show on the page the top row the grid is about to scroll to. Parameters gridName
String. The name of the Grid which is firing this event. topRowNumber. Top row number that is about to be scrolled to. |