직접해보았다 ㅠ
코드로 vaSpread 6.0 Currency형으로 설정하기
' 설정하기 (Currency형으로 지정)
SS3.BlockMode = True
SS3.Row = 1: SS3.Row2 = SS3.MaxRows
SS3.Col = 2: SS3.col2 = SS3.MaxCols - 1
SS3.CellType = CellTypeCurrency
SS3.TypeCurrencyShowSymbol = False
SS3.TypeCurrencyShowSep = True
SS3.TypeCurrencyDecPlaces = 0
SS3.TypeHAlign = TypeHAlignRight
SS3.BlockMode = False
조금 참고한것~
Perfomance problem setting cell type (질문이란다 )
I have a spreadsheet consisting of 132 columns by a variable number of rows. In my test app, I'm generating 1095 rows. Before I load the data, I set the cell type using:
Private Sub InitialiseSpreadsheetColumns()
'*** Format the data item number column
oWhatif.Col = CELL_DATAITEM ' Column 1
oWhatif.Col2 = CELL_DATAITEM
oWhatif.Row = 1
oWhatif.Row2 = oWhatif.MaxRows
oWhatif.BlockMode = True
oWhatif.CellType = CellTypeNumber ' Cell is a long
oWhatif.TypeNumberDecPlaces = 0
oWhatif.BlockMode = False
'*** format the data item name column
oWhatif.Col = CELL_DATAITEM_NAME ' Column 2
oWhatif.Row = 1
oWhatif.Row2 = oWhatif.MaxRows
oWhatif.BlockMode = True
oWhatif.CellType = CellTypeEdit ' cell is static text
oWhatif.BlockMode = False
'*** format the data values columns
oWhatif.Col = CELL_DATA_VALUES ' Column 3 thru 132
oWhatif.Col2 = oWhatif.MaxCols
oWhatif.Row = 1
oWhatif.Row2 = oWhatif.MaxRows
oWhatif.BlockMode = True
oWhatif.CellType = CellTypeCurrency ' Cells are doubles
oWhatif.TypeCurrencyShowSymbol = False
oWhatif.TypeCurrencyDecPlaces = 10
oWhatif.TypeCurrencyMin = -99999999999.99
oWhatif.TypeCurrencyMax = 99999999999.99
oWhatif.TypeHAlign = SS_ALIGN_RIGHT
oWhatif.BlockMode = False
End Sub
(oWhatif is a spreadsheet control - nothing more than that).
However, this is taking around 7.5 seconds on a reasoably powerful machine. Am I doing something wrong, or is there a better way of initialising the columns?
Steve Barnett
코드로 vaSpread 6.0 Currency형으로 설정하기
' 설정하기 (Currency형으로 지정)
SS3.BlockMode = True
SS3.Row = 1: SS3.Row2 = SS3.MaxRows
SS3.Col = 2: SS3.col2 = SS3.MaxCols - 1
SS3.CellType = CellTypeCurrency
SS3.TypeCurrencyShowSymbol = False
SS3.TypeCurrencyShowSep = True
SS3.TypeCurrencyDecPlaces = 0
SS3.TypeHAlign = TypeHAlignRight
SS3.BlockMode = False
조금 참고한것~
Perfomance problem setting cell type (질문이란다 )
I have a spreadsheet consisting of 132 columns by a variable number of rows. In my test app, I'm generating 1095 rows. Before I load the data, I set the cell type using:
Private Sub InitialiseSpreadsheetColumns()
'*** Format the data item number column
oWhatif.Col = CELL_DATAITEM ' Column 1
oWhatif.Col2 = CELL_DATAITEM
oWhatif.Row = 1
oWhatif.Row2 = oWhatif.MaxRows
oWhatif.BlockMode = True
oWhatif.CellType = CellTypeNumber ' Cell is a long
oWhatif.TypeNumberDecPlaces = 0
oWhatif.BlockMode = False
'*** format the data item name column
oWhatif.Col = CELL_DATAITEM_NAME ' Column 2
oWhatif.Row = 1
oWhatif.Row2 = oWhatif.MaxRows
oWhatif.BlockMode = True
oWhatif.CellType = CellTypeEdit ' cell is static text
oWhatif.BlockMode = False
'*** format the data values columns
oWhatif.Col = CELL_DATA_VALUES ' Column 3 thru 132
oWhatif.Col2 = oWhatif.MaxCols
oWhatif.Row = 1
oWhatif.Row2 = oWhatif.MaxRows
oWhatif.BlockMode = True
oWhatif.CellType = CellTypeCurrency ' Cells are doubles
oWhatif.TypeCurrencyShowSymbol = False
oWhatif.TypeCurrencyDecPlaces = 10
oWhatif.TypeCurrencyMin = -99999999999.99
oWhatif.TypeCurrencyMax = 99999999999.99
oWhatif.TypeHAlign = SS_ALIGN_RIGHT
oWhatif.BlockMode = False
End Sub
(oWhatif is a spreadsheet control - nothing more than that).
However, this is taking around 7.5 seconds on a reasoably powerful machine. Am I doing something wrong, or is there a better way of initialising the columns?
Steve Barnett